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Get started with ease

Everything you need to get up and running with a compliant surcharge program easily and effectively.

Everything you need is in the Rescue Kit

Schedule a Demo

Rescue Smart Terminal

Get our wireless, EMV enabled Smart Terminal or virtual terminal for $49/month.

Rescue smart terminal

Signage for your business

We ship you ever all the signage you need to place at your entry way and point-of-sale.

Access to the Training Library

Our library of videos gives you and your employees access to on-demand training and help.

Comprehensive Rescue Guide

The Rescue Guide is designed to give you, your finance team, your team everything you need to know.

Personalized onboarding—already included in your Rescue Surcharge plan

Schedule a call in your first week to meet 1:1 with an Onboarding Specialist who will help you get started quickly with Rescue

An Onboarding Specialist will meet with you 1:1. During this session you can:

  • Configure devices to personalize them to your business
  • Set up your account, create employee profiles, set permissions and generally configure the device to your specifications
  • Get answers to your specific questions and anything else you might need

Register for an upcoming live session


Getting Started: How to Set Up Surcharge

Understand the basics as you start your journey

Every Wednesday

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Getting Started: How to Set Up Surcharge

Understand the basics as you start your journey

Every Wednesday

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Getting Started: How to Set Up Surcharge

Understand the basics as you start your journey

Every Wednesday

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What are the surcharge rules?

Surcharge programs are still new and the compliance around them can be a complicated thing. This has kept many businesses from understanding the many benefits of surcharge programs. Its time to change that!

A hand tapping credit card on a Rescue smart terminal

What you need for compliance

  • You need to be registered with the major card brands
  • You need to inform your customers about the surcharge
  • The fee can’t exceed 2.4%
  • The receipt must show the fee and the price as separate items
  • You can’t surcharge debit cards (on a percentage basis).
  • Properly inform your customers about the surcharge program

How Rescue helps

  • We register everything for you
  • We give you all of the signage you need in the Rescue Kit
  • We add the fee to the transaction automatically. No calculations for you and your employees
  • Our receipts show the breakdown (on both the physical terminal and the virtual one)

How does it work?

Everything you need to start zero-fee payments in-store and online, all on a single platform.

Sign up for Rescue

Start today and be up and running in as little as 2 business days.

We take care of all of the details

Our experts handle everything from application submission to deployment of your new devices.

Get the Rescue Kit shipped directly to your door

You’ll get equipment within a few days, fully configured to your business. Follow our easy setup guide and be up and running in no time. 

Plug in your Rescue Smart Terminal and start saving!

Once you are set-up, every credit card transaction you process will bring you complete peace of mind.

Take the next step

4500+ merchants use Rescue every month to save millions in fees.

Book a Call

I want to learn more about Rescue 

Illustration of someone sitting in front of a large dashboard with various dials and buttons

Get Started

I’m ready to go, I’m sick of paying fees.

Drawing of a man with a jetpack in flight